Emigrating to Sydney | Moving to Sydney

Sydney Harbour and Central Business District
Sydney’s fame as a world-class city, its warm, sunny climate and its strong economy guarantee its place as the most popular choice for people moving to Australia.
Although Sydney is Australia’s largest city, it isn’t the capital.
Long-time rivalry between Sydney and Melbourne meant citizens of each city could not stand the idea of the other becoming Australia’s capital. The result was Canberra – purpose built as Australia’s capital city and equidistant from Sydney and Melbourne.
Sydney – Quick Profile
An introduction to Sydney’s attractions. Also, find out how public and private transport in the city rate.
Can I Get A First Home Buyer Award?
How you can receive a minimum of $10,000 from the Australian Government to help you buy your first home in Sydney, New South Wales.
Sydney – Quick Comparison with other Australian cities
Compare Sydney head-to-head with Australia’s other big cities.
Where to Live in Sydney – Where can you Afford?
Sydney’s housing is the most expensive in Australia. There are still affordable areas offering a high quality of life. Learn more about:
Living in Sydney. A Harbour Bridge Too Far?
For the last 10 years, Terry Smith has lived in Sydney. He shares his thoughts warts and all on living in Sydney.
Sydney’s Climate and Weather
Use the tables to find out what Sydney’s weather will be like in any month.
Average House Prices in Sydney 2012 to 2018
Property Type | mid 2012 | mid 2013 | mid 2014 | mid 2015 | mid 2016 | mid 2017 | mid 2018 |
House | $649,100 | $702,400 | $824,000 | $1,022,200 | $1,047,300 | $1,194,800 | $1,103,500 |
Unit | $517,900 | $552,200 | $624,900 | $722,100 | $742,400 | $806,200 | $768,700 |