Average Australian Conference and Event Planners Wages
Salary and pay information for conference and event planners is compiled regularly by analysis of Australian jobs advertised in major publications. Salaries are annual unless otherwise stated.
The Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations Code (ANZSCO) is 149311 for conference and event organisers.
Job titles and exact tasks vary in this work and examples of some occupation titles are conference and events manager, conference co-ordinator, event planner, exhibition organiser and wedding co-ordinator.
This occupation is currently on the Australian Combined Skilled Occupation List, (Short-term Skilled Occupation List, STSOL).
The average Australian weekly full-time ordinary earnings across all occupations in mid-2018 were $1,586, giving an annual income of approximately $82,472. This was 2.6% higher than in mid-2017.*
Conference and Event Planners Salaries in 2018
Job Title | Salary / Wage $ | Location |
AHURI Communications and Events Manager | up to 85,000 | Melbourne, Victoria |
Event Planner – 3 Month Contract | $45 – $50 per hour | Sydney, New South Wales |
Planning, Strategy and Evaluation Manager | 65,000 – 70,000 | Sydney, New South Wales |
Entertainment Performance Controller / Event Controller (3-month contract) | 100,000 – 120,000 | Sydney, New South Wales | Event Attendant – Large Hotel – Northern Suburbs | 50,000 | Melbourne, Victoria |
VicSRC Events Officer | 62,000 – 75,000 | Melbourne, Victoria | Conference and Events Organiser | 60,000 – 65,000 | Brisbane, Queensland |
Events & Venue Assistant – Exhibition Park in Canberra | 54,000 – 59,000 | Canberra, ACT |
Wedding & Special Events Manager | 65,000 – 75,000 | Perth, Western Australia |
Event Manager Part Time | $45 – $55 per hour | Perth, Western Australia |
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